I think every one have it own favorite manga and anime. And I have a
very long list for it.But let's took only the top 10 and for the rank
6,7,8 is my beloved samurai-genre plot anime.
My 10 Top Anime and Manga Mainstream/ Shounen.
1. Fullmetal Alchemist (if anime then verrsion Brotherhoodis better cause it totally exactly like the manga)
It was amazing whether the fighting, plot or humor sense. And, I love both the anime and manga.
2. Konjiki no Gash Bell

I like Gash Bell. For me, Gash Bell is not having any pain in the ass
troublesome heroine and kept-winning hero. Both gash bell and kiyomaro
struggle to achieve their dream. And, it worth reading item. But, the
anime may pour out boring but it considerable as okey and still awesome.
3. Naruto

would be strange if I not mention Naruto because it was very freaking
splendid interesting and of course famous. It just I hate the flashback
scene every time they meet enemy. And, I hate the way Sasuke became
confused and turn to bad guy and recently in manga he just turn a good
one??? OMG! but, overall, naruto still is the best ever story anime and
manga I would like to suggest to everyone.
4. Bleach and Beelzebub

first time I read Beelzebub and Bleach, I have fell in love with it.
But, the momentum drop by the story-plot so nowadays kinda boring.
Especially Bleach that too much focused on Kurosaki Ichigo make it
totally the captain gotei 13 is lame. Beelzebub is brilliant awesome but
it fighting style didn't amuse me enough to WOW.
5. One piece
piece is still one of the best shounen anime and manga. But, cause it
was so long story, I'm getting tired to watch and reading so interest
became dull.
6. Samurai Champloo
Champloo have a strong first impression for me. I'm always watching it
and never get boring by it too. It just the fighting art style in it is
very charming. It a 5-star samurai anime and I would like everyone feel
the same too.
7. Samurai 7
It fighting war would be the first class but
because the ending too much my beloved samurai face death so I kind of
disappointing. Overall, it still one of the best.
8. Samurai X

it was when I'm just 8 years old watching Samurai X and now I'm already 20 years old still loved it.
9.Gundam Seed Destiny
It was one of the best gundam story I have seen. This rank definitely I will change it one fine day to Yowamushi Pedal
10. Gamaran and Darker Than Black
though I'm a girl but I'm fascinated with the martial art. But I'm not
capable of any martial art so watching is enough for me.And both of
Gamaran and Darker Than Black is having that element. DTB is not much
martial art but it killing technique is high class. Don't worry, I'm not
a psycho-pass.